Thursday, December 29, 2016

a year of printables

I have the hardest time with resolutions. I have no trouble deciding what I want to work on, but when it comes to actually sticking to them I s.t.r.u.g.g.l.e.  This year I decided to keep it simple. My resolution for 2017 is to have more fun. I feel like I always get caught up in the day to day, and get weighed down by my to-do lists. For my sake, and my family's sake, I vow to find fun moments during the sometimes seemingly mundane.
On another note, I wanted to share one of my secrets for adding a little personality to home design. I love printables. You can switch them out easily, and it is a great way to show a little witty or clever personality without being too loud. I keep my printables stacked in the frame and rotate through them as the year and holidays progress.

I just finished a new set of printables, and I love how simplistic they are. I have them available for download here if you'd like them. Here's a sneak peak of what they look like.  I absolutely love them. They fully incorporate my quirkiness.

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