Friday, September 30, 2016

super soft lemon coconut cookies

This is one of my go-to recipes when I need something delicious and quick. It is a crowd-pleaser and hard not to have seconds, or thirds, or fourths.

Lemon Coconut Cookies

1 box white cake mix
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup oil
2 eggs
2 tsp coconut extract
1 can of store bought lemon frosting

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix together dry ingredients. Add oil, eggs, and coconut extract. Roll into 1 inch balls and place on baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes. Once cool, top with lemon frosting.

**If you are lucky, and can find a coconut cake mix you can use that instead. Make sure to leave out the extract.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

ikea hack - lätt table & chairs

Have you seen Ikea's Lätt table and chairs? The thing I love about this set is it's only $25. That's a steal for a new table and chairs! The only problem is it's a little boring. To spice it up I painted the legs and frame of both the table and chairs (before assembling). I wanted to use multiple colors to make it really fun. I then added some foam and upholstered the chairs. I figured this would make them more comfortable, and make them look a little nicer. I used some fabric and foam that I had left over from other projects  and bought the vinyl (it's super cheap at Walmart).

After the paint was dry, I assembled according to the Ikea instructions. I had to get a little creative and use some muscle on the chairs, but it came together perfectly. I love how they turned out!


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

savory chicken pot pie

Fall is here! I absolutely love autumn. I crave the changing leaves, perfect weather, and layers of clothing. Fall is also great for delicious comfort food. Today I am sharing one of our family favorites.

This recipe is super delicious. It is the most requested by my husband. It's a great one for fall/winter. You can easily substitute the ingredients for your Thanksgiving leftovers, and have a great, new tasting meal while emptying the contents of your fridge.


Chicken Pot Pie


1 1/4 cups cold butter
3 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
6-7 tbsp water

Combine, mix, and roll out crust. Lay and press gently 2/3 of the rolled crust on the bottom and sides of a 9x13 glass pan. Save the rest for the top crust.


1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup onion
1 cup milk
1/2 cup flour
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 cups chicken broth
10-16 oz frozen veggies (I like to use the bag that has peas, corn, cubed carrots, and green beans)
4-6 chicken breasts (cubed)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt butter and saute onions in a large frying pan. Shake milk and flour together in a container, then add to  butter and onions. Slowly add in chicken broth to avoid lumps. Add salt, pepper, veggies, and chicken. Bring to a boil then pour filling onto the prepared crust. Lay the top crust onto the filling. Bake for 35-40 minutes until the crust is golden.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

elle's toddler room mood board

I am so excited to transform Elle's room from a nursery to a little girl's room! I have my Pinterest mood board and my inspiration. I have found that it is always easier to decorate a room and make it more cohesive if I start with a mood board.

Since I know the direction I want to go with her room, it is really easy to know what I want when I go shopping. Also, I know that if I stick to buying items that fit in the look and feel of my mood board then the room will fit together perfectly when I finally get around to decorating it.

When you are ready to start planning the decor for a room, check out Pinterest for ideas. For example, when I started looking for Elle's room I searched "little girl bedrooms". I started weeding through and saving the pins that I liked. Once I pinned a good amount of pictures I started going through them and deciding what I liked about them. I looked at the colors that seemed the same across the board. I then created a mood board with the pictures I liked, and pointed out the features in the pictures that I liked. This makes shopping a lot easier because you already know exactly what to look for. 

Let's be real though, I am a cheapskate, and a lot of the stuff I pin is really spendy. This is when I start thinking about how I can recreate the look with a smaller price tag. For example, I don't want to buy a brand new dresser for Elle. She will beat it up. I know she will. Instead, I will search thrift stores and yard sales for a solid wood dresser that has a similar shape. I will then sand it, paint it, and reknob (not a word) it. This will get me a similar look and save me buca bucks! I would love your thoughts and ideas on Elle's room. What do you like, what should I ditch?

Monday, September 26, 2016

lds conference journals

For our Young Women's activity this week we made journals to take notes in during our LDS Conference. They were incredibly easy, and the girls had a blast making them.

Here are the materials you'll need:

The first step is to Mod Podge the journal title onto the front of the journal. [I got these journals at the Dollar Store in a three pack. It was definitely the cheapest way to go.] We also used washi tape on our titles to add a little somethin', something'. While you are waiting for the Mod Podge to dry, cut out the pictures of the first presidency and quorum of the twelve. 

Next, glue or tape the pictures onto the edges of the pages. We also had a tab for questions they want answered during conference, and a tab for the other speakers.

Finally, add one more coat of Mod Podge on the front of the journal to make sure the title stays on. If your title bubbles, put some wax paper on top of it and weigh it down with a heavy object.

View LDS Conference this weekend here. God still speaks to his prophets today. He loves his children.

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Sunday, September 25, 2016

of pillow cases, big girl beds, & "luh you"s

I swear it was just yesterday that I spent the entire night waking up to every move my newborn sweetheart 
made. Tonight, that same sweetheart is sleeping in a toddler bed. It melted my heart to see her excited face 
as I handed her a pillow with the Minnie Mouse case my mom made. The same pillow case that was given 
to her for her first Christmas. I laughed inside when we opened it thinking, "We won't need that for a lonnng 
time." My eyes moistened as I pulled it down from her closet.

Don't let me fool you into thinking that we tucked her in, said our goodnights, and never heard from her
again. I lost track of how many times Mister had to go in and put her in bed. I finally had to take over to
save him from losing his mind. Finally, I heard her last "luh you." I hope I never forget the way she says that.

We still have many battles to win. I'm sure there will be a couple tonight during the bewitching hours, but
that's okay. It just reminds me that she really is still little. I need to stop blinking. She'll be grown and moving
out before I know it.